My work always involves a combination of Public Relations, Communication and Events. Gatherings with different subject and focus, but always with one similar goal: cooperation.
Besides my paid job, I use my knowledge and skills for activities with a more social aspect. In 2014 I got involved with a civil movement G1000 and in 2018 received full financial support from our local council to set-up two events.
See below some achievements of which I have the feeling that they got a 'golden circle' around them.
This event first started in 2017 as the annual European forum on the Digital future along the value chain of Electronic Components and Systems. (a cooperation of 6 partners of which the European Commission). Overall event-management, budget control and exhibition design were amongst my tasks.
A concept developed in 2008 when I was working for Materia. An open exhibition without walls and a white canvas as backdrop. Providing an exhibition with unusual materials to inspire designers and architects. I contributed to the content of the exhibition and the logistics of the event.
An event about joining forces. A one-day exhibition with 40 volunteer-initiatives to exchange ideas, connect with the council and interact with other residents. This was my 2nd event concept that I managed. For this event, I even designed the media items. With the support many volunteers we managed to set it up in only 4 months.
My first own event-concept. Bringing together 65+ aged citizens and the activities suppliers of my town. Not only could these young seniors meet each other, but also join in workshops after the event. Focus on enjoyment and an active life together. This idea, already born in 2014, was finally achieved in 2018 with a sold-out success.
After I attended the first edition of G1000 in 2014 as a participant, I joined the G1000 organizing-team to manage the exhibition with 37 booths of local volunteer groups. I was providing support by writing the invitations, managing registration-applications and coordinating the set-up of the exhibition hall.
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